Ever heard that old joke? When is a door not a door? When it's ajar! 🚪
Not the funniest thing you'll hear today, granted. But when a fire door is ajar, it's not very helpful. You probably haven't even thought about your fire door recently, have you? See, it's the sort of thing that protects you in the background, passively, without you even thinking about it. A fire door is a crucial safety device in your school - they save lives! 🔥🧯
Fire doors are often neglected and mismanaged, but with such a huge role in keeping people and property safe (and your school compliant), they simply must be considered and maintained. It's literally a matter of life and death.
But can people identify a faulty fire door? Research conducted last year by the British Woodworking Federation as part of their Fire Door Safety Week campaign 'Recognise it, Report it', found that over half of the UK public couldn't spot a problem with a fire door. And that means they can't report issues. 📝
Obviously, fire doors play a critical role in saving lives as well as preventing widespread damage in the event of a fire. So, educate yourself about what damage it might have, check the ones in your buildings, and report issues for escalation or schedule repairs so they can get to work saving lives. 💙
Think about your fire doors this week, and take action right now.
#firesafety #firedoorsafetyweek
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