Are you Summer ready? We're not talking about beach bodies, here. There's some essential tasks that must be done.
With the temperatures rising, it's time to get into your school's boiler room and carry out some of those simple but essential maintenance tasks.
Your school heating system will need to be shut down over the summer. But do you really understand how your systems work?
Here are some key things to consider when preparing for the end of the school year:
BMS - (Building Management Systems):
1. Do you, or does someone in your school, know how to use it effectively? If not, find someone familiar with the system before continuing.
2. Is it working properly?
3. Is there a manual to hand in case of an emergency?
4. Have the changes to heating times been made?
Your Heating Plant:
1. How are you shutting down your heating?
2. Do the pumps need to be circulated?
3. Are the pumps on an automatic switchover regime?
4. Is annual PPM (planned preventative maintenance) booked during the downtime?
Other things to think about:
1. Are any sump pumps checked regularly and working correctly?
2. What work can be done now the heating systems are switched off?
3. Do you have a schematic of what heating circuits supply different areas of the building?
4. Is localised information about fixed plant written down and accessible? For instance, if your caretaker was to leave tomorrow, do you know the nuances of the systems, and where to find the valves that will shut down different areas of the pipework?
Run through this checklist before starting any work on this essential servicing, and you’ll complete this task with very few issues. It's not exhaustive, but hopefully, it’ll get you thinking about what must be done as we move closer towards summer.
#Compliance #Shutdown #Summer #maintenance
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